{`Developers can use and extend Central in two main ways. `}
\n{`Single point of entry into all Cloud Based Data Sources. The value as a developer is you do not have to spend time learning each and every API that your application needs to integrate with. You just learn one, and we handle all of the details of securely connecting your application to other SaaS products. This can be useful if you are developer for your own SaaS based system but have a need for external data to add value to your solution. This can also be used for development teams for companies building internal proprietary systems, intranets, extranets, and customer portals that are reliant on SaaS data. `}
\n{`This is an area we are currently working to improve. We do have an SDK that we make available upon request. The SDK is currently limited to just .NET 4.8. We are looking to eventually make the SDK public and available to other languages. We are also looking to allow our Connectors to be deployed serverless as Azure Functions and AWS Lambdas. `}
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